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Your Rights When You're Pulled Over for a DUI

Facing a DUI stop in Florida can be an intimidating experience, especially if you're unfamiliar with your legal rights. Knowing what to expect and how to respond during a DUI stop is crucial in protecting your rights and making sure the best possible outcome. As a team of experienced DUI attorneys, the Law Office of Gutin & Wolverton is committed to helping you understand the key aspects of a DUI stop and how to handle it if you find yourself in this situation.

In Florida, DUI laws are strictly enforced, and even a first-time offense can lead to severe consequences. From the moment you’re pulled over, the way you conduct yourself can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. It’s essential to remain calm, be aware of your rights, and understand the legal implications of your actions during the stop.

Your Right to Remain Silent

One of the most fundamental rights you have when pulled over for a DUI is the right to remain silent. You’re not obligated to answer any questions that could incriminate you. The officer will likely ask where you’re coming from, where you’re headed, and whether you’ve been drinking. While it’s important to be polite, you’re not required to provide detailed answers. You can simply state that you’re exercising your right to remain silent.

This right is protected under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and is particularly important during a DUI stop. Anything you say can be used against you in court, and even seemingly innocent statements can be misinterpreted or taken out of context. We always advise our clients to avoid discussing their evening or admitting to any drinking, as these statements can complicate your defense later.

Your Right to Refuse a Field Sobriety Test

In Florida, you have the right to refuse a field sobriety test (FST). These tests, which typically include the walk-and-turn, one-leg stand, and horizontal gaze nystagmus, are designed to assess your coordination and balance. However, they're highly subjective and often administered under less-than-ideal conditions, such as poor lighting or uneven pavement.

While refusing a field sobriety test can lead to an arrest, it’s important to understand that these tests aren't mandatory, and failing them can provide the officer with probable cause to arrest you for DUI. Our DUI attorneys often see cases where clients were arrested based on the results of an FST, only to find that the tests were administered improperly or that the conditions were unfair. By refusing the test, you may limit the evidence available against you.

Implied Consent and Breathalyzer Tests

Under Florida’s implied consent law, drivers who are lawfully arrested for a DUI are required to submit to chemical testing, such as a breathalyzer, to determine their blood alcohol content (BAC). Refusing a breathalyzer test can result in an automatic suspension of your driver’s license for up to one year, even if you’re ultimately not convicted of DUI.

While the penalties for refusing a breathalyzer are steep, it’s a decision that should be made with full awareness of the consequences. If you refuse, the officer may obtain a warrant for a blood test, which is harder to challenge in court. However, breathalyzer tests aren't infallible, and there are instances where the results can be challenged based on how the test was administered or the accuracy of the machine.

Your Right to Legal Representation

If you’re arrested for a DUI, you have the right to legal representation. You should immediately request to speak with a DUI attorney, and you should refrain from answering any questions or making any statements until your attorney is present. This right is critical in protecting yourself from self-incrimination and making sure that your legal rights are upheld throughout the process.

Our team of DUI attorneys is experienced in handling these cases and understands the intricacies of Florida law. We work diligently to make sure that our clients receive fair treatment and that their rights aren't violated during the arrest and subsequent legal proceedings. Having an attorney present can also help in negotiating with prosecutors and exploring options for reducing or dismissing the charges.

What to Expect During a DUI Stop

During a DUI stop, the officer will be observing your behavior closely. This includes your mannerisms, speech, and how you respond to questions. The officer may also ask you to step out of the vehicle and perform a field sobriety test. It’s important to know that your behavior and responses can be used as evidence against you, so it’s crucial to remain calm and composed.

If you’re asked to step out of the vehicle, do so slowly and carefully. You have the right to refuse the field sobriety test, as mentioned earlier, and you can politely decline while still complying with other instructions, such as stepping out of the car or providing your license and registration. If the officer suspects that you’re under the influence, they may arrest you and ask you to take a breathalyzer or chemical test at the station.

After the Arrest: What Happens Next?

If you’re arrested for a DUI in Florida, the officer will take you into custody and bring you to the police station for booking. At this point, you’ll be asked to take a breathalyzer or another chemical test if you haven’t already done so. After the booking process, you may be released on bail or held until your initial court appearance, depending on the circumstances of your arrest.

It’s critical to contact a DUI attorney as soon as possible after your arrest. The legal process that follows a DUI arrest can be overwhelming, and having an experienced attorney on your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. We’ll guide you through each step, from the initial hearing to negotiating with prosecutors, and represent you in court if necessary.

Defending Your Rights in Court

Facing a DUI charge in Florida can be a daunting experience, but it’s important to remember that being arrested doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be convicted. There are several defenses that can be employed, depending on the specifics of your case. These might include challenging the legality of the traffic stop, the accuracy of the breathalyzer results, or the procedures followed by law enforcement.

Our DUI attorneys are skilled in evaluating the evidence against you and identifying potential weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. We work tirelessly to build a strong defense and explore all possible options for reducing the charges or having them dismissed altogether. Every case is unique, and we’re committed to providing personalized legal representation tailored to your situation.

Speak to a DUI Attorney Today

Being pulled over for a DUI in Florida is a serious matter that requires immediate attention and knowledgeable legal representation. Understanding your rights during a DUI stop is the first step in protecting yourself from the potential consequences of a DUI conviction. Our team of DUI attorneys is here to support you through this challenging time, offering the legal guidance and representation you need to achieve the best possible outcome.

Don’t face this situation alone. Our attorneys Harley Gutin and Stephen Wolverton are experienced, aggressive trial lawyers. Together, we combine over 50 years of legal experience to make a formidable defense team. Reach out to us today to discuss your case and learn more about how we can help defend your rights and your future. Whether it’s your first offense or you’ve been through this before, the Law Office of Gutin & Wolverton is here to provide the support and legal defense you need. We serve clients throughout Cocoa, Florida as well as Brevard County, Titusville, Melbourne, and Palm Bay.