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How a DUI Lawyer Can Protect You from a Fatality Charge

Gutin & Wolverton: Harley I. Gutin Oct. 18, 2024

A DUI charge that involves a death can lead to severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences, large fines, and the permanent loss of driving privileges. Given the gravity of such charges, having an experienced Florida DUI lawyer by your side is critical to managing the legal system and protecting your rights.

Understanding DUI Manslaughter and Vehicular Homicide

When a DUI results in a fatality, the driver may be charged with DUI manslaughter or vehicular homicide, depending on the laws of the state where the incident occurred.

Both charges involve a driver causing the death of another person while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, but they can differ in terms of legal definitions and potential penalties.

  • DUI Manslaughter: This charge typically involves causing the death of another person while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In many states, DUI manslaughter is considered a second-degree felony but can be elevated to a first-degree felony if aggravating factors, such as fleeing the scene, are present.

  • Vehicular Homicide: In some states, vehicular homicide refers to causing the death of another person through reckless or negligent driving, which may or may not involve DUI. If the driver was under the influence at the time of the crash, the charge can be upgraded to DUI vehicular homicide, a more serious offense.

Both charges carry severe penalties, including long prison sentences (ranging from 10 to 30 years or more), large fines, and lifelong consequences, such as the loss of civil rights and driving privileges. The stakes are high in these cases, making it imperative to seek legal representation from a reputable criminal defense attorney who's experienced in fatality-related charges.

How a DUI Lawyer Can Protect Your Rights

A DUI lawyer can provide essential protection at every stage of a fatality-related DUI case. From the moment you're arrested, an attorney will make sure that your constitutional rights are upheld, challenge the prosecution’s evidence, and work to minimize the penalties you face.

Here are some ways that a DUI attorney can protect you during a fatality-related charge:

1. Early Intervention and Legal Guidance

The legal process begins immediately after your arrest, and early intervention by an experienced DUI attorney is critical. Your attorney will work quickly to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and begin formulating your defense. During the initial stages, the attorney will advise you on what to say and what not to say, as anything you communicate to law enforcement can potentially be used against you in court.

Early legal guidance can also involve negotiating with the prosecution before charges are formally filed. In some cases, an attorney may be able to persuade the prosecutor to reduce the severity of the charges or explore alternative outcomes, such as a plea bargain, that avoids the most severe penalties.

2. Thorough Investigation of the Accident

In a fatality-related DUI case, a thorough investigation of the accident is crucial for building a defense. While law enforcement typically conducts its own investigation, a DUI attorney will perform an independent investigation to uncover details that may have been overlooked or misrepresented.

This investigation can involve accident reconstruction, witness interviews, and even toxicology reports.

3. Challenging the Validity of the DUI Arrest

One of the first things a DUI attorney will examine is the legality of the arrest itself. For a DUI arrest to be valid, law enforcement must have followed proper procedures, including:

  • Reasonable suspicion: The police must have a valid reason to stop your vehicle, such as observing erratic driving behavior or a traffic violation. If the stop was made without reasonable suspicion, the arrest may be challenged in court.

  • Probable cause: To make an arrest, the officer must have probable cause to believe that you were driving under the influence. This is typically based on evidence such as your BAC, field sobriety tests, or other signs of impairment.

  • Adherence to testing protocols: DUI cases often rely on breathalyzer tests or blood tests to determine a driver's BAC. If these tests were administered improperly, or if the equipment wasn't calibrated correctly, the results could be inaccurate.

If any aspect of the arrest or testing process was handled incorrectly, your attorney can file a motion to suppress the evidence, which could weaken the prosecution's case or lead to the dismissal of charges.

4. Questioning the Accuracy of Chemical Tests

Chemical tests, such as breathalyzer or blood tests, are central to proving intoxication in a DUI case. However, these tests aren't infallible. A skilled DUI attorney will carefully review the results and challenge their accuracy in several ways: calibration and maintenance, chain of custody, and medical conditions.

By questioning the accuracy of chemical tests, your attorney may be able to cast doubt on the prosecution’s case and reduce the likelihood of a conviction.

5. Negotiating Plea Deals

In some fatality-related DUI cases, it may be in the defendant’s best interest to negotiate a plea deal with the prosecution. A plea deal can result in reduced charges, lesser penalties, or the avoidance of a lengthy trial.

An experienced DUI attorney will have strong negotiation skills and an in-depth understanding of local laws and court systems. They can work with the prosecutor to reach a deal that minimizes your exposure to the most severe consequences. For example, the attorney may negotiate a reduction from DUI manslaughter to vehicular homicide, which carries a lighter sentence.

While a plea deal isn't always the best option, it can be a strategic choice in certain cases, particularly if the evidence against you is strong.

6. Minimizing Penalties at Sentencing

Even if you're convicted of a fatality-related DUI, a skilled DUI attorney can still work to minimize the penalties you face at sentencing. This is especially important in DUI manslaughter cases, where the potential sentences can be very harsh.

Your attorney can present mitigating factors to the court, such as your lack of prior criminal history, remorse for the incident, or efforts to seek rehabilitation (e.g., attending alcohol treatment programs). These factors may convince the judge to impose a more lenient sentence, such as probation, community service, or participation in a substance abuse program, rather than the maximum prison term.

In some cases, your attorney may also explore alternative sentencing options, such as work release programs, house arrest, or other forms of supervised release, which allow you to serve your sentence outside of prison.

7. Providing Emotional and Legal Support

Facing a fatality-related DUI charge is an emotionally overwhelming experience. In addition to the legal consequences, the emotional toll of knowing that someone lost their life in the accident can be profound.

A compassionate DUI attorney can provide not only legal support but also emotional guidance throughout the process. They can help you understand what to expect at each stage of the case, keep you informed about your options, and advocate on your behalf in court. This support can alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty you may feel, allowing you to focus on preparing for your defense.

8. Appealing a Conviction

If you're convicted of a fatality-related DUI, your attorney can help you explore the possibility of an appeal. An appeal is a request for a higher court to review the trial court's decision for legal errors. While an appeal doesn’t guarantee a reversal of the conviction, it provides an opportunity to challenge mistakes made during the trial, such as improper jury instructions or the admission of faulty evidence.

An experienced DUI attorney can assess whether there are grounds for an appeal and guide you through the appellate process.

Contact a DUI Lawyer Today

Facing a fatality-related DUI charge is an overwhelming and life-changing experience. The consequences of such charges are severe, both legally and emotionally, and require the professionalism of a skilled attorney to traverse the challenges of the case.

A DUI defense lawyer can protect you by challenging evidence, confirming your rights are upheld, negotiating plea deals, and presenting mitigating factors to minimize penalties. 

With the right legal representation, you can improve your chances of receiving a fair trial and minimizing the impact on your future. Be sure to reach out to our team here at The Law Office of Gutin and Wolverton today for a consultation. We're committed to providing the best legal services possible to the people of Florida, whether it be here in Cocoa, Brevard County, Melbourne, or Palm Bay.